Wednesday, October 29, 2014

B.A Portfolio: week 10 critique

Having others from outside of the class come in to critique my work was really helpful and encouraging. Many seemed to really like the message I am trying to express and had some really good suggestions as to how to further it. It was suggested in order to show how beauty fades with time it would help to display the images in a linear timeline sort of style so that it creates a narrative of the ageing time lapse. Another way to do this, as suggested, is to show the flowers at different stages of wilting and decay. Also useing women at different ages was suggested though I don't think I will do this as I like the repetiveness of the same figure as a representation of mass produced beauty using the same idea as Andy Warhol with his soup cans. I also thinked the idea of doing different amount of burning of the images to show a decaying with starting with no burn mark to eventually nothing left but ashes.

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