Art and Fear by David Bayles and Ted Orland pg 1-36
Through out this weeks reading the authors talked about doubting ones self and their art work. This is something that every artist struggles with during the process of creating their works. Its easy to feel self doubt when one doesn't entirely know where they want the work to go or what they want people to get out of it. What jumped out for me while reading was the statement "not many people continue making art when - abruptly- their work is no longer seen, no longer exhibited, no longer commented upon, no longer encouraged." I think many of us as students tend to quit making art work once the semester is over because there's no one their who is critiquing the work or telling us to continue creating more works. With out that some what of a support system to keep pushing and encouraging us to create more, motivation gets lost because there's no one to show the work to who would make comments and suggestions. Even i have felt this as the summer begins and I become busy with family, friends, and working. Though this summer I tried to encourage myself to continue creating art outside of the classroom environment.
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